Summer Pop-Up Events Are Here and We Have Some Killer Brews ☠️

Summer Pop-Up Events Are Here and We Have Some Killer Brews ☠️

Hey, caffeine fiends! Summer's scorching, but we've got the perfect line-up to keep you cool and buzzing. Catfight Coffee is always hitting the streets with various pop-up events there, we bringing you some killer drinks that'll rock your taste buds.
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50 Coffee Shops in 50 Days

50 Coffee Shops in 50 Days

My ‘day job’ is playing rock n’ roll. Touring has now kicked back up and is stronger than ever. We play major markets daily, and more than 90% of the shows are sold out. This tour is taking me across more than 30 states over about 50 days. This doesn't include the coffee shops we visited in Taiwan, Cambodia, and Thailand as well! Bringing the grand total to 5 different countries across 3 continents. 
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The benefits of black coffee!

The benefits of black coffee!

 The minority of people drink their coffee black but those of you who add sugar or cream might want to consider a switch to black when you hear the surprising side effects of drinking black coffee.
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Dark Roast Coffee helps with Parkinson Disease

The Bright Side to Dark Roast coffee.

In addition to loving the taste there are other benefits to Dark Roast. It could actually be protecting you from dementia and Parkinson’s disease later in life! Just proof that you really will lose your mind if you don't have your cup (or 3) of coffee..
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Rum Tum Tiger!

Rum Tum Tiger!

This week we launched a variation of a coffee everyone seemed to love last year, which was our Bombay Bourbon coffee.  This year we elected to release Rum Tum Tiger which is a Rum infused single origin Brazilian coffee.
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Coffee Cherries from our farmers in Mexico!

How many beans are there in a cup of coffee?

Before we answer that take a second ponder this for a minute:
Did you know that coffee cherries are still hand-picked?
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Can coffee help your liver?

Can coffee help your liver?

Drinking a few cups a day isn't a magic bullet, coffee does have significant benefits, including boosting liver health. 
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How to get coffee stains out of your mug.

How to get coffee stains out of your mug.

Ever notice how most coffee mugs are white?
Every notice how they tend to stain?
Who’s bright idea was it to make the staple coffee mug white, when it will inevitably get stained?
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What is the best way to keep coffee fresh?

What is the best way to keep coffee fresh?

If you are like us, your bag of coffee won't stay around long enough to go bad. But what about a special stash?
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How can you get thicker fuller hair just by drinking coffee?

How can you get thicker fuller hair just by drinking coffee?

Anyone looking to amp up their wellness, vamp up their hair, and get that morning caffeine fix can do it easily with a bit of collagen peptides in that daily cup of Joe!
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Cold Brew vs Iced Coffee

Cold Brew vs Iced Coffee

Is all coffee cold brew? Nope!

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Where did the coffee tree originate?

Where did the coffee tree originate?

Not Italy or South America...the story involves theft and the Dutch Government...
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