The benefits of cold brew coffee vs hot coffee.
Obviously, summer has faded into fall. With that, many people will be switching from cold brew coffee to hot. So, why not talk about the difference in your health between these two versions of coffee? Do they affect your health differently? And are they big enough to make any permanent changes in your caffeine consumption?
Dr. Majid Basit, a cardiologist with Memorial Hermann in Sugar Land, Texas says “Hot coffee has been shown to have higher amounts of antioxidants, which may offer health advantages. But more research needs to be done.”
A 2018 study in Scientific Reports found that hot coffees higher level of antioxidants which can prevent or slow damage to cells compared to cold brew. But it is important to note that the differences are not big enough to overcome variables so you’ll get your solid dose of caffeine whether hot or cold.
Basit says “Caffeine increases brain alertness and general energy levels.” But, in a lab experiment researchers found that a single whiff of hot coffee was enough to reduce tiredness and stress levels. Hot coffee has more vapers emanating from it so that may be the reason.
So the bottom line is there is no or very little difference – drink what you like!! As long as it's Catfight!