Let's talk environment and recycling for a minute.
We are going to take a little left turn from our normal rock n' horror themed coffee blogs to something we should all be concerned about, the environment.
How often have you thought, 'I’m using a paper cup so it’s good for the environment.'?
I know I have and do. But there are better options...
The bottom line is that any single-use items are not sustainable. There is always an environmental cost. Many still end up in landfills due to a lack of composting facilities or the costs associated with getting them composted. Plus to meet the demand for paperboard trees can be cut down from as far away as Russia and Brazil, and most are still not made from recycled paper.
So, what are other options?
Paper isn't the worst for cups, but the best cup for the environment is the ceramic mug.
Second best is the travel mug – this isn’t perfect because of the manufacturing materials like stainless steel or plastic used to make them. But the environmental cost goes way down if you use your travel mug 50, 100 or 200 times.
Next is the Paper cup without a lid. And better yet if it has the FSC logo.
If you’re buying iced coffee the plastic cups are problematic and often not accepted in recycling programs. This is one reason we have the option for Stadium cups with the Cold Brew bundle. Again, not ideal-but the reusability factor means less waste and they cups we use are 100% recyclable.
Last but not least are K-Cups. These buggers are the bane of an environmentally conscious coffee drinkers existence. The convenience and ease of use is there, but if the pods you use aren't recyclable it's going to add up to a lot of unnecessary waste very quickly. Catfight KCups are 100% recyclable.
There are other little things we can do along the way. For example we work with Sticker Mule for some of our custom labeling needs. They always ship to us in cardboard boxes with gummed paper packing tape that we recycle. FYI, Sticker Mule is an amazing company if you need anything from stickers to packing tape. Best product and customer service out there.
As a company Catfight has a long way to go to achieve our vision of environmental responsibility. But we always have our eye on the horizon on how we can do our part.

Also, I recycle the tissue paper and stickers for shipping and gifts. That Catfight orange or black tissue paper is adorable in gift bags, especially around Halloween/Samhain.