Chiller Tuesday VHS Horror Reviews
Our very own Catfight Horror Queen Kris is back! It's summertime and lots of us are going away on vacation. Make sure to check those hotel and motel reviews or you may end up in... Motel Hell! Check out Kris's review of this 80's VHS classic!
Directed by Kevin Connor, this horror comedy was released on October 18th, 1980. Filmed in multiple locations in California, it was shot in less than 2 months with absolutely no preservatives attached……
The movie introduces us to Terry and her boyfriend out riding a motorcycle, when something causes them to crash. Vincent, who is watching from a distance, makes his way to the unconscious couple and takes them back to his property. Vincent, along with his sister Ida run the Motel Hell(o), while also selling Vincent’s famous smoked meats. The recipe for these meats, they tell is a secret and no one actually knows what makes them taste so good…
Terry wakes up in the motel, where Vincent gives her the news her boyfriend has passed away and been buried. At first upset, she soon accepts what she’s told and decides to stay on the farm at the Motel with duo. Besides them, we’re also introduced to little brother Bruce, the town Sheriff who is wacky and at times downright uncomfortable toward Terry.
As romance builds suddenly between Terry and Farmer Vincent, Bruce jealously starts poking around the farm as he believes something else must be going on. This (as well as what we’ve been seeing all throughout the movie) exposes what Vincent has really been planting and smoking all along - human meat! Leading to our final showdown and final set of laughs, is it worth the watch!?
YES. There’s a lot of inconsistency and weirdness through this entire film, but somehow the dark humor manages to work. The plot is very loose, and was originally set to be a serious gorehound flick. Changing to comedy was a smart move, and the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously. Even with its downfalls, it’s gained cult following over the years. I recommend checking it out at least once!
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