The Catfight Story

The Catfight Story

Leaving my old coffee company wasn’t easy. But arriving at the decision that something had to change was.

I’m not a quitter and I don’t give up. My tenacity borders on stubbornness which I understand are both an asset and a defect of my personality. My wife and business partner can attest to that. 

So, when I arrive at the decision to make a change from the planned course, I have to evaluate what I am leaving with. In this case it was a lot of knowledge and verification in my desire to be an entrepreneur and…. little else.

But knowledge~!

Education and confirmation of who you are in your heart? That’s something! You can’t buy that shit.

For a week, we didn’t do much of anything but recharge the batteries and binge-watch Lost. Oh I watched every John Carpenter movie in order of their release.

I knew I wanted to start another company, but the timing seemed insensitive given the beginning of the pandemic. My wife was working and my upcoming music gigs had not yet been canceled so we were OK. But I was concerned about people less fortunate and how it might appear, hawking a business when people are losing jobs. We started planing Catfight with no exact launch date. The idea was to build our community and to worry about the product later, when the time IS right.

Then, all the summer music work and all the Flea Markets I did between gigs were canceled. To make matters worse, my wife was furloughed from her job. We left the frying pan to land in the fire.

At this time I was listening to a podcast and the speaker offhandedly mentioned, ‘I don’t know what I would do without coffee. It’s the only thing that makes me feel normal. It’s always been the cornerstone of my routine.’ That’s when I knew it was time for us to change Catfight Coffee from a vision to reality. That it would not be insensitive to start now. In fact, we might actually be making people feel more normal again. Or as normal as our customers are… : )

The response has been extremely humbling. Within a few hours of us going live with pre-orders, we have already rocketed past our goal of 100 orders and the notifications of orders on my phone are not slowing down.

Thank you is not a strong enough phrase.

With that, Catfight will continue to be a community and a coffee company. We will be something you can count on in uncertain times. Not just with our products, but in lifting your spirits with this community. With our products, when we are fully up and running, we promise the freshest coffee and quick turnaround times.

The coffee bags are scheduled to arrive no later than June 1, just a week away. As soon as they arrive, we’ll start packing orders and shipping.

After that-your orders will be processed with lightning speed and efficiency.

And can I just add quickly, I would give anything to be slinging coffee at a flea market right now?

I miss you creeps and am eternally grateful for your support.

CatFight Coffee

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